
Hi guys, how are you?  This a page where i will post things related to Gimp, which is an program about edition of  digital images
Gimp interface

An interface is the way we communicate with the application.

Authors: Mario López 
   Tools icon: These icons are buttons which activate tools for a wide variety of purposes.

   Foreground/background colours:The color areas here show you GIMP's current foreground and background colors.
   Brush/Pattent/Gradient:used by all tools that allow you to paint on the image .

   Active image:you can work with many images at once, but at any given moment, only one image is the active image

  1. Title bar
  2. Image Menu
  3. Menu button
  4. Ruler
  5. QuickMask Toggle
  6. Pointer Coordinates
  7. Units menu
  8. Zoom button
  9. Status Area
  10. Cancel button
  11. Navigation control
  12. Inactive Padding Area
  13. Image Window Resize Toggle
Image Display 
  1. To make this practice i have use the following tools:
  2.  Layers
  3. Fox image
  4. Text tool
  5. Filling tool
  6. Degraded
  7. Climbing tool

3 comentarios:

  1. You're work is very good, but the image are outside the interface. 👌🙈🙉🙊🐵

  2. The two first post are suspiciously similar to mine 🙈🙈

  3. I like this practise, it's fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Christmas Card

Hi everyone, I have make a christmas card for you, If you like it tell me in the comments