martes, 18 de diciembre de 2018


Hi everyone, i have post the questions here, i hope you will like it. Tell me in the comments. video
    1. Everything in a computer's memory takes the form of BITS
    2. where the binary digit is stored? In the memory cell
    3. the memory cells can achieve two states, which? 0 and 1
    4. Files and programs consist on millions of bytes and this data is processed in the CPU
    5. List the three main characteristics in a memory: Size, cost and speed
    6. What is random access memory (RAM). Explain it in two or three sentences: The CPU give instructions to the RAM, and the RAm modify the information, in order to a command in short-term.
    7. when a transistor and capacitor stored electrical charge, what bit is stored? They store electrical charge when there is a 1
    8. list the two characteristics of a Memory cache:
      Are made up of 6 interlocked transistors and don´t need refreshing.
    9. RAM and cache can only hold memory as long as they are powered
    10. Types of long term storage devices:
      Magnetic storage, optical-based storage and solid-state drives.
    11. Explain how flash sticks (solid state) stores the data using floating gate transistors that store bits by trapping or removing electrical charges.
    12. Can you write in a flash stick over and over again? why?
Repeatedly wiring to floating gate transistors corrodes them, eventually rendering them useless.

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Christmas Card

Hi everyone, I have make a christmas card for you, If you like it tell me in the comments