martes, 30 de octubre de 2018

How a computer works

HI every one, I make a little questions about How a computer works, i hope you will like it, comment me if you like it. I put below the link to more questions, click on it, and see them.
How a computer works

1.     Why they say "the human brain is a sophisticated computer"?
Because is like an object the can accept some input and produce some output.

2.     A computer is an electronic device containing: .......
A microprocessor.

3.     A microprocessor is capable of carrying out ...
Complex calculations in the blink of a eye

4.     Write the characteristists of a PC
·        designed for use by one person at a time
·        runs an operating system to interface between the user and the microprocessor
·        has certain common internal components described in this article, like a CPU and RAM
·        runs software applications designed for specific work or play activities
·        allows for adding and removing hardware or software as needed

5.     What the Altair 8800 is?
It was the first real computer

6.     List the core PC components
Case, motherboard, power supply, central proccessing unit(CPU), random-acess memory(RAM), drives, cooling devices and cables.

7.     Do you think that the size of the case matters? why?
         It doesn´t matters the size of the case of a PC, what it matters are the things that             are inside.

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Christmas Card

Hi everyone, I have make a christmas card for you, If you like it tell me in the comments