jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2018

Inside your Computer

A mouse is a simply pheripheral device that consists on a couple buttons and a system for detecting motion and distance you migth have an optical mouse that makes this mesurements with ligths and sensors. When you click the mouse, it send a message with information about its position, and the basic input/output subsystem control it and help the CPU from distractions. The CPU is the brain of the PC, that have to fetch instructions for memory and executing them. If you write 60 words in a minute, the CPU will process billion of instructions a second, also is use for all activities and programs. The programs were made by humans before, like Java, C++ or Phyton but now are making in bytes.
The CPU organizate the mouse click, sending signals of the mouse click to the memory subsystem. Each instructions are executed, and the CPU learns where the mouse click. The CPU needs the monitor to show the thing associated with the click.

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Christmas Card

Hi everyone, I have make a christmas card for you, If you like it tell me in the comments